Monday, January 18, 2016

Liesl & Po (Thing 2)

We read Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver. It is about a girl named Liesl who meets a ghost named Po. She is locked in her stepmother's attic. Liesl's father died, and she wants to get a box of his ashes and return it to a special willow tree. Meanwhile, in a different part of town, an alchemist's apprentice is supposed to deliver a box of magic to a woman. There is a mix-up with the boxes and he ends up giving it to Liesl instead of giving her the ashes.

I would give this book

because it is funny, has really cool words, and is action packed.


Boquinha said...

It DOES have cool words! What a great thing to put in your review! I really like that. I love reading books with you. I'm glad we finished this one - it took us a while!

Dr. Mark said...

This is a really good review. You make this sound like a really interesting read. I'm glad you enjoyed it.