Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library (Thing 2)
We read
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by
Chris Grabenstein. It is about a kid who loves games, but mostly games created by Mr. Lemoncello. When he and a bunch of other kids get sent to a library for a lock-in a game begins. They are the pawns of the game. They have to run around and find clues to escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library.
I would give this book
because it was funny, exciting, and I love games.
I knew this book would be a big hit with you - what a FUN read for all of us, eh? Nice review!
I knew you would give it five stars! I think out of the three of us, you liked it the best.
You like games? I had no idea! ;) I'm not surprised you really liked the book. Excellent review.
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