Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure/It's a Wonderful Life (Thing 2)

I am going to compare two movies: "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" and "It's a Wonderful Life." They are two very different movies.

In "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure," Pee-Wee had an adventure. In "It's a Wonderful Life," George wanted to have an adventure but didn't. "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" was basically a crazy movie. "It's a Wonderful Life" was very calm. In "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure," he just wanted his bike. In "It's a Wonderful Life," George helped people who were hurting.

The things that make the two movies similar are:

They're both movies.
The main characters were both male.
They both had happy endings.

I would rate "It's a wonderful Life".

I would rate "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" . If I could, I would rate "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" four-and-a-half stars because I like adventure movies.


Boquinha said...

This is a great review, Thing 2! I really like the similarities and differences you came up with -- very neat comparison and contrast! And I like how you explained why you rated "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" an extra half star.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness, PeeWee better than It's a Wonderful Life? I have to disagree with you there! :) Also, I don't feel like It's a Wonderful Life is calm, either. By the end George Bailey is frantic and so upset and kind of going crazy. But I guess when you compare it to PeeWee, I get what you mean. :)

J Fo said...

SO great. I have seen both of these movies, but not for years! Did you know that your Uncle Greg JUST bought PeeWee because he liked it so much as a kid? He hasn't been able to talk me into watching it with him yet. Do you think Emmy would enjoy watching it with him?

Siths and Jedis said...

Yes, I think Emmy would love it, but there is one part when Pee-Wee gets in a truck and there is a creepy person named Large Marge that is kind of scary.

And one more thing, thank you all for the wonderful comments. They were as wonderful as the movies themselves. :E

Vivian said...

Where did my comment go?! I was checking back to read other's comments and mine istn't here:( I must have missed a step. Anyway, I don't know how many times your uncles saw it while I just heard the goofiness from other rooms of the house. They always laughed so much that one time I had to see it myself. Not my usual type of movie, but I will admit I thought it was pretty clever in a silly way. I'd give it 3 stars.

Siths and Jedis said...

Thank you for the comment, Grandma. I thought it was a funny movie, too.

Thanks for the comment, Mommy. I like the comment.

Thanks for the comment, Emily. I like hearing from you. :E

Dave Johnson said...

I watched It's a Wonderful Life at Christmas almost every year when I was growing up. I always thought Pee Wee was a little weird so I'd rate it lower. Very silly movie, but really funny in certain parts.